
Coyote Control

Coyote Removal & Control is a commonly called upon service professionally offered by Wildlife, Inc. Wildlife, Inc understands nuisance Coyotes can invade and jump into backyards and roam properties in search of food and shelter, which puts a great risk to property residences, occupants, and domesticated animals and small children. Wildlife, Inc offers both humane and lethal coyote removal. Wildlife, Inc technicians and biologists are trained in the trapping, relocation, and elimination of nuisance coyotes. Wildlife, Inc offers both live and lethal coyote trapping, marksmanship elimination programs for large rural properties, and coyote prevention such as coyote property repellers and coyote fence rollers to ensure they can no longer jump over walls or fences into properties.

Coyote Removal

Do not attempt to remove coyotes yourself. These animals can be very dangerous when they feel threatened. Wildlife, Inc is staffed with Wildlife Biologists and certified wildlife technicians who are coyote experts that understand the behavioral patterns and will humanely remove them from your property.

Once the coyotes have been humanely removed from your property, we highly recommend installing special coyote roller fence toppers to keep coyotes out in the future by preventing them from jumping over the fence or wall. Please contact us today for more information about our coyote removal and prevention services.


Coyote Trapping & Exclusion

Wildlife, Inc offers complete and economical coyote trapping, removal, control, and exclusions for business owners and homeowners. Coyote infestations can lead to serious injury or death to domestic pets on the property and injury to residents. Be sure to hire professional, trained, and licenses coyote removal experts as precautions must be taken. Coyotes are known to carry rabies so extreme caution must be taken when dealing with the animal. Contact Wildlife, Inc for safe coyote control services today.

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