
Fox Control

Wildlife, Inc popularly offers Fox Removal & Fox Control services such as trapping, fox deck proofing, fox concrete and concrete foundation proofing, and fox mitigation and prevention. Foxes that become a nuisance to the occupants and residents of a property typically become very aggressive due to high territorial responses and have been known to take over backyards in which the resident cannot step foot in their own backyard without being charged or chased by the aggressive territorial fox and Wildlife, Inc has even had customers bitten by nuisance foxes that later sought help from Wildlife, Inc. Our trained, certified and long time experienced wildlife tech’s and wildlife biologists have years of trapping and tracking experience to be able to trap such “trap-shy” animals such as the fox and remove them from the property.

Typically when a fox dens on a property, they have their young there. Those young eventually grow and multiply the problem. While hiring Wildlife, Inc to trap territorial foxes and remove them from the property typically fixes the issue at hand, which is the invading foxes, many choose to ensure that future foxes cannot den on the property either. That is why Wildlife, Inc offers fox proofing, which is the most effective way to prevent foxes from denning underneath decks, sheds, foundations, concrete pads, steps, sidewalks, and crawlspaces. Fox proofing is the method of trenching around the border of whatever you are trying to block access to, placing screening down in that trench border connected to a footer in the trench, and then running the screening back up to whatever you are blocking access from anything getting under. Then the trench line is backfilled, concealing the screening in the ground, but when foxes attempt to dig underneath that area again, they hit the hidden screening in the trench line, preventing them from digging underneath and denning into that area. If you are looking for affordable, professional, and efficient fox removal, trapping, control, proofing, or prevention, be sure to call the pros at Wildlife, Inc for help.

Fox Removal

Do not attempt to remove foxes by yourself. These animals can be very dangerous when they feel threatened. Wildlife, Inc is staffed with fox experts that understand the behavioral patterns and will humanely remove them from your property.

Once the foxes have been humanely removed from your property, we highly recommend installing “fox proofing” to keep foxes out in the future, which Wildlife, Inc can install. Please contact us today for more information about our fox removal and control services.


Fox Trapping & Exclusion

Wildlife, Inc offers complete and economical fox trapping, removal, control, and exclusions for business owners and homeowners. fox infestations can lead to serious injury or death to domestic pets on the property and injury to residents. Be sure to hire professional, trained, and licenses fox removal experts as precautions must be taken. Foxes are known to carry rabies so extreme caution must be taken when dealing with the animal. Contact Wildlife, Inc for safe fox control services today.

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