Wildlife, Inc’s Response To COVID-19

As a company, we are closely monitoring the impacts of COVID-19. We’ve implemented changes to our company procedures to better serve our customers and community in a safe and effective way. Here are some of the ways Wildlife, Inc. and its staff are supporting customers, communities and employees in these difficult times.

  • All Wildlife, Inc staff are equipped and wearing at all times PPE(Personal Protective Equipment): Equipment includes wearing CDC approved N95 masks or approved P100 Respirators. Approved eye protection. Also includes wearing disposable heavy duty nitrile gloves replaced every hour or as needed.
  • Minimizing exposure to customers: Wildlife, Inc is performing at this time exterior only inspections and services. All customer to technician interactions and communications are done via phone while never effecting service performance or success rates.
  • Daily sanitary steps: All technician equipment, wildlife equipment, field electronics and service vehicles are cleaned and decontaminated daily or as needed with CDC approved disinfectants.